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The Most Impactful Marketing Trends of 2020 (That Will Keep Your Business Ahead Of The Competition)

Your business’s marketing must move with the times to stay relevant in the current market. The problem is that the times often seem as if they move at lightspeed, with new innovations, technology, and developments appearing regularly. The good news is that you can find out about the most important ones for 2020 below. Something that will help your company stay ahead of the game with their marketing, and make the most significant positive impact on your business as possible. 


One of the most impactful marketing trends of 2020 is an increased focus on what is known as micro-moments. That is when a customer goes online to perform a small specific aim or task. Examples of which include buying an item, but also involve finding out information in terms of completing a task, visiting a place or business, or even just for satisfaction’s sake.

Of course, by knowing that customers use the internet in these ways, businesses can then make it a priority to position themselves online to fulfil those needs in the best ways possible. This is particularly advantageous for companies looking to improve their marketing because it enables them to be present and available for their customers. A situation that not only increases their brand identity but also leverages the tendency for instant decision making that customers demonstrate concerning these types of interactions. Put simply, if your company can be there to fulfil these customer needs, they are much more likely to buy from you, visit you, or put their trust in your brand. 

Conversational Marketing 

Another vital marketing trend for 2020 that all businesses need to be aware of is conversational marketing. In fact, marketing conversationally is something that we have seen increasing through 2019 as well. 

The idea behind it is to offer one to one, immediate, and natural conversations over platforms such as Messenger and What’s App. To provide customers with information and emotional reassurance, they need to proceed with a purchase.

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However, while the aim of such marketing techniques is to provide a natural and genuine conversation experience, the trend is decidedly moving towards AI-powered chatbots. That is, despite the appearance, it is not actually real people that customers are chatting to at all. The advantage of which is that business can provide high-quality customer service and increase conversion rates while keeping a business’s operational costs down. 

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Voice Purchases 

Currently, the trend for optimizing for voice searches in SERPs is a hot one. However, there is a missed marketing opportunity that needs to be addressed here. That is, while customers can easily find a business that is optimized for voice search, they may not so easily be able to make a purchase in the same way. 

Fortunately, AI is once again coming to the rescue. The reason is that there are technologies such as the Jetson AI that allow businesses to offer voice purchases to customers as well. A situation that results in greater customer convenience and an improved conversion rate for businesses. After all, it is well known that the fewer steps and obstacles that you put in the path of customers, the better your conversion rate will be. 


You may think that telemarketing is out of place in a post concerning the latest technological marketing trends of 2020. However, this is truly not the case. 

In fact, just take a moment to consider what most people’s most vital, protected, and prized possession is. Of course, it is their phone. This means you can immediately see that any strategies that allow businesses to access customers through this channel continue to have supreme value. 

With that in mind, there are two main telemarketing trends that businesses wanting to stay on the cutting edge need to know about in 2020. The first is ringless voicemail, where companies can leave a message for customers without having to make a live call first. 

In fact, there are several advantages to using this marketing technique. One is that you can immediately avoid alienating potential customers by interrupting their day with an unwanted call and being a nuisance. While another is that using push voicemail in this way can be a great deal more engaging. After all, most people’s first instinct will be to check such a message. An occurrence that means your business can significantly reduce the chance of having its marketing message ignored. 

Finally, there is an additional benefit to using voice drops in this way. It is, the vastly reduced costs involved. The reason for this being that no call center overheads or staffing costs will be required. While at the same time the opportunity to reach a large number of people is still present. 

The second telemarketing trend of 2020 that businesses need to be aware of is the advent of cloud-based call centers. The main benefits of which are that they can not only help to provide faster service, but also reduce the running costs of a company as well. 

Likewise, when it comes to faster service allowing your call center operatives to have direct access to CRM data will enable them to deal with customers most quickly and consistently. A situation that is bound to have a positive effect on the customer experience and so promote loyalty and repeat purchases. 

Goodbye, Google Analytics?

Don’t panic! Google Analytics isn’t going away. It’s just that your desire to use it might when you find out about the alternatives that will come into everyday use in 2020. 

In fact, it is highly likely that businesses that rely heavily on Google Analytics right now will swap to using systems like Google Business Intelligence. The reason for this is that such systems will provide a much more detailed picture, including the variables related to a range of different revenue streams. Such as affiliate marketing and sponsorship via sites like Patreon. A development that can be very valuable, indeed for businesses that no longer rely on a single stream of income from traditional purchases. 

Also, being able to centralize all the relevant data your business needs for decision making should make the entire process much more accurate too. 


The era of the influencer is certainly not over in 2020. Instead, we will see further increases in the collaboration between businesses and the stars of social media. 

Of course, such marketing relationships are precious. The reason for this is that the level of trust and authenticity that an influencer encourages in their audience is much higher than what can be expected from more traditional advertising. This being a benefit that has the potential to convert more sales. 

However, working with influencers can be a costly process, and choosing the wrong collaborations doubly so. After all, not all influencers are perfect, and any small problems can be blown up into significant scandals in the blink of an eye. The reason for this being that influencers operate in the fishbowl that is social media. 

Fortunately, AI has the potential to come to the sucre her once again. This is because it can be used to find just the right influencer for your brand. In fact, the trend of using AI to analyze and inform your collaboration decisions not only has the potential to make them more effective in terms of your marketing but minimize any risk to your business’s reputation as well. 


In summary, there are several impactful marketing trends to watch out for in 2020. With customer experience in the form of conversation marketing, voice drops, and micro-moments being at the fore. 

Additionally, one of the biggest trends is the application of AI to a variety of situations. The benefits of which include better business intelligence, reduced costs, higher conversion rates, and event sourcing influencers that are the best fit for your brand. 

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