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Is Your Company Making These Security Mistakes?

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Small businesses are popular targets for criminals. To stop you from being a victim, it’s important to have strong security measures in place. Most of us know the basics of business security such as installing anti-virus software and installing a burglar alarm. However, other security measures can be overlooked. Here are just a few common ways in which companies put their security at risk and what you can do to rectify them.

Using weak passwords

Many of us resort to weak passwords, not because we want to get hacked but because they’re easy to remember. Most people can easily recall a password like ‘orange’, but few people can easily recall a password like ‘hX3p6Owr9LBe84’. However, passwords like ‘orange’ are easy to crack – you’re much better off using lengthy random jumbles of letters (uppercase and lowercase) and numbers, rather than actual words. There are tricks for creating memorable complex passwords that you can read here. Using different passwords for different log-ins and changing them every so often can improve your security further.

Having no backup

It’s important that all your company files are backed up somewhere. Ransomware attacks are a common form of cyberattack that involves holding your files hostage under threat of deletion until a ransom is paid. If your files are backed up, such threats aren’t likely to have any effect – even if your files are deleted, you can simply continue business using your backup files. Cloud servers are the best place to back-up your files. External hard drives could be another option.

Failing to update software

Software needs to constantly be updated so that it is resistant to the latest cyberthreats. Most software automatically updates when you restart your computer. You’re most likely to be at risk if your computer is constantly left on in standby – if your computer never shuts down, it doesn’t have a chance to update. You’ll usually be warned when updated are pending. When this happens, make sure you restart your computer so that these updates can take effect.

Not screening visitors

When it comes to burglary, most of us assume that such criminals will only strike at night. However, you’d be surprised by the amount of daylight robbery that goes on. There are daring burglars out there that target companies during the day, disguising themselves as clients, visitors and even employees. In a mid or large-sized company, it’s easier to get away with this. Having some form of entrance screening in place can stop these crooks from sneaking in. Some companies invest in plastic ID card holders and don’t let anyone in unless they have printed ID. In other cases, companies may enforce rules to ensure that visitors are accompanied at all times.

Not maintaining CCTV

CCTV can be very useful both as a deterrent and for recording evidence of criminal behavior. However, many companies fail to look after their security cameras. Something as simple as a cobweb could be enough to distort the footage and ruin any chance of collecting evidence. Make sure that cameras are kept free of cobwebs and regularly tested to ensure that they’re working.

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