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Does Your Business Have A Good Enough Online Presence?

We all know how important it is for a business to have a strong presence online. No matter what kind of business you’re running, from a restaurant to a manufacturer of ceiling tiles, there’s really no excuse for not being online. A company that’s not online might as well not exist. Of course, it’s not just a matter of setting up a website and leaving it at that. It’s critical that you treat the online element of your business as a full entity and not just an offshoot of your primary business. With that in mind, here are a few things that you need to remember about the online side of your business.

Social Media


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No matter how well equipped the online aspect of a business is, it’s not going to mean a thing if you’re not able to bring customers to it. There are loads of different marketing methods, but one of the best online methods has to be social media. Facebook is still the king with Twitter not far behind. Social media is such an effective way of engaging directly with customers and clients. It’s one of the few marketing tools that puts you in direct contact with your customers. You definitely should not be neglecting this unique and useful online marketing tool.

Your Website

Going in completely the opposite direction. Don’t let your social media carry your business’s entire online presence. Customers may communicate with you and find you through social media, but the online hub of your business must always be your website. If your website is not well designed, clear, and easy to navigate then you’re going to lose a lot of customers potentially. Don’t treat it like an afterthought. Imagine that your website is your head office or main store. You wouldn’t meet with clients or customers with things lying around, filing everywhere, and dirt all over the floors, would you? Then why would you force your customers to deal with a broken, unusable website?


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One of the biggest issues with businesses’ online presence is that too many companies think that just having one is enough. They will set up their online store, website, and social media and then just leave it alone. If you want a strong presence, online you cannot do this. You have to focus on maintaining your online services as well as possible. Make sure that the content being posted on your social media is relevant, interesting, and high quality. Make sure that all the information is up to date. If you have an online store, you need to make sure that it’s always functioning properly. There are lots of services you can use to maintain your online services and making sure you have things like Magento Support is crucial.

The online aspect of a business might not be the be all and end all. But in today’s increasingly digital market you can’t afford to ignore it either. Make sure that regular time is taken to making sure that your online business is running just as smoothly as the real thing.

Need help with your marketing, PR and social media strategy? Contact us today:

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