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Small Changes That Make Your Website Easier to Find

Your website might be one of the best in the world, but without an audience or a following no one is going to see it. This is why companies pay ridiculous amounts of money just to be viewable to their customers. They want to rank high on every search engine, and they won’t settle for anything less. However, as much as your startup would love an injection of cash to help them onto their feet, most companies simply can’t gather up the kind of money that most advertising companies are asking for.

As a result, we have to resort to local SEO companies and strategies to beat our competitors and appear above them on Google. Thankfully, there are a bunch of simple tips that could help almost anyone that’s having trouble with their website’s exposure.

Photo: Pexels

  1. Produce original content

Google loves original content. If you’re copying or stealing other people’s work for your website, then you should stop this practice immediately before Google notices it and decides to blacklist your site, potentially hiding it from the general public forever. Original content can mean anything from writing your product descriptions to starting a company blog. Whatever you (or your company) produces, try to have it so that no one else can steal it.

  1. Get people talking about it

Utilizing social media is perhaps one of the best ways to get people talking about your website. With social media, you have the ability to reach an audience of millions and every single one of them could become a potential customer. However, you need to establish an online presence, and that means creating an account on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook and using it to speak with customers, influencers and media outlets. The more attention you gather for your business, the more people will talk about it and the more likely you’ll be noticed in the future. Another fantastic way of gaining exposure is to use micro influencers such as bloggers and YouTube content creators. They will most likely ask for some compensation, but you’re guaranteed to get the spotlight in their latest video or blog post which will boost your exposure.

  1. Use metadata

Metadata is essential information on your website that is hidden from plain sight and meant to be picked up by search engines. If you’ve ever searched something on Google and saw generic or bland descriptions of each website, that’s usually because they haven’t changed the metadata yet. Metadata can help Google index your site more easily, thus making it easier to find.

  1. Update your website

Lastly, we can’t forget about actually updating the website. Update it with content, and a message will be pushed to everyone that has subscribed or followed you. They’ll get to check your latest updates, be it a new sneak peek of your latest product or a blog post that details the technical specifications of an upcoming project. Updating your website will let Google know that you take your site seriously and they’re more likely to bump your rank up a few spots.


Having issues getting site traffic? We can help! Contact us today for a free 30-minute consultation!

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