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Show Marketing ROI with Simple Customer Acquisition Cost Metric pros, when it comes to marketing metrics that matter to your execs, expect to report on data that deals with the total cost of marketing, salaries, overhead, revenue, and customer acquisitions. That’s not always easy, which is why AGPR offers a free guide that will walk you through the six critical marketing metrics your boss actually wants to know. These metrics will make you a winner when it comes to quarterly report time!

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A good example of a metric that will please the higher-ups is the CAC.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

What It Is: The Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a metric used to determine the total average cost your company spends to acquire a new customer. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).

How to Calculate It: Take your total sales and marketing spend for a specific time period and divide by the number of new customers for that time period.


What This Means and Why It Matters: CAC illustrates how much your company is spending per new customer acquired. You want a low average CAC. An increase in CAC means that you are spending comparatively more for each new customer, which can imply there’s a problem with your sales or marketing efficiency.

CAC is just one of 6 free marketing metrics we offer you in our brief eBook. Why not start impressing the boss today? Just click the link below to get your free eBook.

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