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Even More Tips on Creating and Publishing Your Ebook

Print On Demand Paperbacks are also a hot item.

Continuing our series of tips on creating and publishing your eBook (get steps 4-6 here):

7. Set Your Price. When you upload your book, you’ll need to set your price. Bear in mind that if you are an unknown author without a platform of dedicated readers, you will want to be careful about overpricing your book. Pricing varies case by case, but in general, we recommend debut books stay in the $2.99 to $4.99 range. Royalties vary be distributor (see #9). Also, pricing can change as time marches on–sales, previous books as loss leaders and other marketing concepts can easily be employed.

8. Sampling. Many distributors offer some form of “free sampling” of your book. We recommend making 10-20% of your book available free as an enticement.

9. Royalties. Amazon pays author royalties of between 35 percent and 70 percent, depending on how the book is priced. Check out this handy chart for more info on that.

Smashwords Pays a generous 85% to authors.  The rate may vary for sales made through other outlets. More details are here.

Also–PayPal is the method of choice for royalty payments by most distributors, so you better get an account if you haven’t already.

Tune in for more tomorrow: marketing and more!

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