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PR Tip #239 Get It In Writing

Today’s PR Pro tip: Always get it in writing.

PR Pros
Once you make your deal with a client, do yourself a favor. Make sure the contract with your client is in writing, signed by both parties and filed before you make another move.

Hey, nobody wants hard feelings, so do the work up front to avoid having a sticky situation arise at the end of the project. In other words, if you think you lost money on a job–then it’s (most likely) your fault–not the client’s. Why? Because if you spelled out what you would and would not do in the time and/or within the budget allotted, then your chances of losing money are very small. (Of course, your desire to please the client by over-delivering is up to you. But that’s another story.)

I’ve had many clients who balked at a contract. Whether it was too “formal” or they felt put off by the legalese, it can have a chilling effect on the warm-fuzzy relationship you just started with your agency. However, if you’re serious about working with a PR firm, please respect the contract. Though it may seem tedious–or downright impersonal, I’m sure you’ll be glad in the long run that there was clear communication about expectations and goals from moment one.

So get it in writing, bub. Never assume anything. Remember the immortal words of Felix Unger:

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