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KISS And You’ll Stay Profitable

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How does Kissing keep you profitable? Well, KISS stands for keep it simple stupid. It’s a term that originates in the US Navy, and it’s based on the idea that if you keep things simple, then you’ll achieve a high level of efficiency. That, in turn, is going to lead to a much greater output and in the business world a larger level of profit. You see? Put like this, the idea is actually – dare we say it – quite simple. But how do you adopt this strategy in the business world? Well, there are a few ways that you can keep things simple in your business model.

Keep Things Small

A smaller business is always going to be easier to handle and a simple way to maintain business efficiency. Take staff as an example. If you can avoid it, you shouldn’t hire a massive team of workers. This just means you’ll have a lot more paychecks to handle and you don’t want that. In fact these days, most businesses avoid the hires completely and instead focus on using outsourcing services. By doing this, they can keep the costs completely under control and avoid paying for services that they don’t need. Don’t forget that when you hire employees, you will typically be paying more than the basic paycheck. Benefits will be included in the paycheck as well, and these cost money reducing profits.

Moving on, this certainly isn’t the only problem that the only type of expansion that you should avoid. As crazy as it sounds, you might want to avoid trying to sell to too many customers. If you stretch yourself too thin, you will lose customers due to a loss of quality. Ironically, you may end up with less than when you started.

Automated Management

These days its tech that provides the best answer when you’re thinking about how to keep things small and manageable. One of the ideas might be to use a management software. This can provide brilliant benefits to business owners who want to keep things simple and efficient. For instance, you might be working in the hotel industry. You can simplify your operations with software that allows you to manage everything with systems like a full booking system.

Of course, automation can be used for more than just management. You can even use automated software these days to simplify buyer purchases and make sure that you always land a target customer. In other words, get them from the point of considering to a purchase to actually moving forward with it.

Hire A Consultant

Lastly, you might want to think about using the services of a consultant. Being a business owner doesn’t mean that you are going to be an expert in every area of your company. Indeed, there are probably lots of areas of your business where you have no idea how to handle things. Most business owners, for instance, are completely clueless when it comes to SEO. A consultant can help here providing you with the expertise necessary to ensure your company hits all the right marks.


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