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Bring Your PR Into The 21st Century

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It’s now 2018: and in the last two years the way we communicate with our audience and how we create those everlasting bonds has completely changed and evolved into something new. If you are looking for some ways to overhaul your current PR strategy and bring it into the digital age, then here are some great ways to start.

Get Personal

If you are going to be spending time connecting with your customers, the important thing to remember is that everyone is unique and their own person. No one wants to be just another number in an endless line of people. They want to be respected and spoken to as if it was just them and you. You can do this in many different ways, however the most popular way these days is by text. You can sign up with a company such as if you click here, and they will be,o you set up a texting account for your business. It allows you to message customers directly and make a more tangible connection.

Keep It Simple

Although the theory around creating an influential brand and connecting with customers is a little complicated: the method doesn’t have to be. In fact, the best thing you can do for your company is to create a simple marketing campaign that focuses on one thing in particular and makes sure you can connect with your audience and create a family. You need to show them who you are as a company, what your goals are and how you want to sell.

Know Your Target Audience

Target audience is a term which describes the people who you want to sell your product to. For example, if you had a bright pink lipstick you may choose a target audience if women between the ages of 16-25. This means that you will want to tailor your marketing technique to this audience and put your message across in a way that will grab their attention. This is the crucial thing to remember if you would like to create a successful PR campaign.

Stay Trending

Remember that in this day and age the most important thing you can do as a company is stay in the forefront of your customers’ minds online and offline. The way you can achieve this is by staying in the loop with trends and referring to them during your marketing. For example, if you are a cosmetic or beauty brand and you want to stay relevant in the spring of 2018, you may reference Prince Harry’s wedding to Meghan Markle and talk about how to look glam and elegant like a princess. Things like this give your company an edge because you seem like real people rather than just a computer.

Find Out What They Want

If all else fails, the simplest thing you can do is create a poll on Twitter to ask your audience their opinion on a new range or a product color. If you are struggling to decide the best option within your team, you might as well ask the people who are going to be buying your products!

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